Saturday, 12 May 2007

Your attention please!


ost likely, you would have come to this blog after being told about it. Presently, this blog is one of the million blogs in this wide world of internet, a needle in a haystack. However I have many grand plans for it, which after execution, I hope, will give you reasons to keep coming back. This blog essentially presents my opinions, which I believe, are radical, blunt and convincing on issues that demand our immediate attention. Half of the articles are devoted to cricket, given the time I have spent on watching cricket matches without missing a ball and watching highlights of matches that I could not see. However I have expressed my opinion on other issues too. So I hope that this blog of mine will have something for everyone.

Why did I start blogging?

Since the time, I developed the brains to understand all that is going in this world, I started reading newspapers and listening to news channels. As a result, I developed an above average general knowledge and awareness. As I grew older I started thinking on the various issues (like global warming, pollution, cricket, terrorism, fundamentalism etc.) and gradually polished my Weltanschauung (it is still evolving).

It helped that unlike other boys of my age, I had few academic engagements that bothered me. Soon I had answers to the many questions where no consensus had been reached. I could put questions that would leave the self-appointed pundits and hypocrites speechless. I felt that it was time people heard what I had to tell. However I wrote many articles expressing my opinion to newspapers and they were never published. About a month ago, I discovered blogging and the rest is in front of you.


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